Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Good news - we can continue building the house!  And even better news - we get to upgrade our septic system!!  Our meeting at the county today went better than expected (which is a good thing because we were kind of preparing for the worst case scenario).  Yes, we will have to upgrade our current 2 yr old septic system with an aerating system (not sure what that all entails but we know it will involve an engineer).  But we don't have to have that finished until we have the final inspection on the house which we should be able to postpone until at least spring.  Capiche?  The main thing is that the crew can move forward on building the house and we're still on track for being able to move in before the rains start (usually late October, early November).  So (fingers crossed) the guys will be back on Monday with nail guns in hand!!

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